After a long night of excellent wines (Thanks Bonny Doon Vineyards and Randall Grahm!), all I crave is a beer. So, today with my leftover pizza I am trying something new: Guineu Riner from Spanish microbrewer Ca L’arenys. With the tagline, “cervesa artesana i de qulitat” it is sure to be good – yes?
Put simply, yes!
It is a Pale Ale in style, with very low alcohol at only 2.8%. That low ABV is not felt on the palate, however. The body is moderately light and very refreshing, with airy notes of grapefruit, or maybe even light tangerine. It has quite a lot of hops, giving it a lively feel on the tongue. Great carbonation and a clean, fruity finish.
This is exactly what I want in an “afternoon” beer.